Can We Trust Cosmetic Claims?

Many cosmetic products boldly display claims such as “natural,” “cruelty-free,” or “hypoallergenic.” These appealing claims often prompt us to pay a premium for these products.

In the U. S., companies are regularly penalized for the unjustified use of claims on their products1. The result? Consumers are becoming more and more skeptical! A recent study found that 86% of American women believe some brands overhype their promises2. Even within these companies employees recognize these exaggerations. In fact, 72% of U.S. employees admit their company overstates its sustainability efforts and engages in greenwashing3.

So how can you navigate this? What’s really behind the most common product claims in the U.S., and which ones can you actually trust?

“Mineral Sunscreen”

There are two types of sunscreens:

  • Those that contain mineral UV filters (zinc oxide and titanium dioxide), which are derived from natural minerals.
  • Those made with chemical UV filters created in a laboratory.

For brands using mineral filters, it is common to see the label “mineral sunscreen” on the packaging. This can easily lead to the assumption that the entire formulation is natural.

However, this claim only guarantees that the UV filters used in the product are mineral-based; it does not mean that the rest of the ingredients are natural. In fact, it is common to find chemical ingredients in these products, such as phenoxyethanol or butyloctyl salicylate, which are notably associated with potential effects on fertility and the endocrine system4,5.

Conclusion: Even with this label, the product may still contain chemical substances.

“Cruelty Free” / “Not Tested on Animals”

There is no legal definition for the terms “cruelty-free” or “not tested on animals” in the United States. When these claims are used alone, without being accompanied by a label or certification, they carry no specific meaning. In most cases, this simply indicates that the finished product has not been tested on animals. However, the FDA notes that companies can test individual ingredients on animals while still using this claim6. In 2024, 78% of the world’s largest cosmetic brands were still funding animal testing7.

To ensure that no testing has been conducted at any stage of the product’s manufacturing, it is recommended to look for the following labels: the PETA Cruelty-Free Bunny ears symbol and the Leaping Bunny certification. These certifications guarantee that neither the ingredients nor the finished products have been tested on animals.

Conclusion: The claims “cruelty-free” or “not tested on animals” alone do not guarantee the absence of animal testing. Instead, opt for products with one of the three reliable certifications noted above.


The term “vegan” indicates that the product contains no ingredients of animal origin, such as honey, beeswax, or lanolin10. However, be aware that this does not mean the product has not been tested on animals! The “vegan” label focuses solely on the composition, not on testing.

Conclusion: The “vegan” label ensures the absence of animal ingredients and is therefore complementary to the “PETA Cruelty-Free” and “Leaping Bunny” labels, which ensure that no animal testing has been conducted which does not guarantee that a product is vegan.

“Hypoallergenic” / “For Sensitive Skin”

These claims give the impression that the products are designed to minimize irritation and the risk of allergies. However, no federal standard has been established by the FDA to regulate these assertions. In practice, this allows brands to use them freely, without strict constraints11. The problem? Many products displaying these claims actually contain irritating or potentially allergenic ingredients, such as phenoxyethanol (harmful to the eyes12), certain fragrances (like geraniol and linalool13), as well as some foaming agents and preservatives that are very irritating to the skin (notably sodium lauryl sulfate14, quaternary ammoniums15, or methylisothiazolinone16). It’s important to note that even at very low concentrations, some allergenic substances can trigger reactions in sensitive individuals.

Conclusion: Do not blindly trust these claims. For sensitive skin, the only way to avoid allergenic products or irritant ingredients is to check the compositions carefully.

“Dermatologist-Tested” / “Dermatologist Approved”

These terms are commonly used on cosmetic products in the United States, but they are not governed by strict regulations. Brands can therefore use them freely, with few restrictions. The only requirement is that a dermatologist has conducted at least one test on the product. Often, this is a skin tolerance test, a requirement already mandated for all cosmetics sold under U.S. standards. The tests performed may also focus on other aspects, such as hydration, wrinkle reduction, or eye irritation.

Furthermore, there are no specific standards regarding the testing protocol or the number of participants required. In the absence of clear guidelines, brands can choose to conduct minimal tests or use very small sample sizes, thereby compromising the credibility of the claims made on the packaging.

Conclusion: Without clear information from the brands on how the tests were conducted, these claims are misleading and give the impression of thorough evaluations when they often involve only basic tests already required by law.

“Clean” / “Natural”

“Clean” or “natural” products are experiencing significant popularity, with consumers often perceiving them as safer for health17. In the United States, the use of these terms in cosmetics is not regulated, allowing companies to use them freely without adhering to specific standards. Although regulations are under discussion, no concrete measures have yet been taken18.

Moreover, it is important to understand that “natural” does not mean “risk-free.” For example, methyl eugenol is a natural component found in rose and magnolia, yet it is classified as a probable carcinogen (Category 2A) by the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer).

Conclusion: These claims hold no real value and do not guarantee the absence of problematic ingredients.

Is the “Clean at Sephora” Label Trustworthy?

The “Clean at Sephora” label prohibits a list of 37 ingredients deemed risky19 While this list is a positive initiative, it is far from comprehensive. Products bearing this label can still contain substances such as titanium dioxide, classified as a possible carcinogen20, nanoparticles that can accumulate in our organs21, or phenoxyethanol, which has been linked to fertility issues and developmental effects in children22.


In the U.S., more and more products are highlighting their organic ingredients. This trend is driven by the growing demand from consumers for eco-friendly options. There are two main scenarios:

  • Products labeled as “Organic” without the USDA logo

Some products claim to be “made with organic ingredients” without showing the USDA logo. In this case, be cautious! This means only part of the ingredients are organic. Sometimes, it’s just a single ingredient out of the whole list. Plus, there’s no minimum threshold required to mention an “organic” ingredient on the packaging.

  • Products with the “USDA Organic”

The “USDA Organic” logo is the only one in the U.S. that guarantees strict standards, especially the ban on most chemical pesticides and GMOs for at least 95% of the product’s ingredients.

While the “USDA Organic” logo helps reduce exposure to pesticides, it doesn’t necessarily guarantee the absence of ingredients that could be problematic for your health23. For example, some organic essential oils, like Ylang-Ylang oil, are known for their potential to cause allergic reactions (check out our article on skin allergies). Plus, up to 5% of the product’s ingredients can still be chemical additives. These might include concerning preservatives, like BHT, which can harm organs, or even ingredients suspected of disrupting the endocrine system, such as certain parabens24 and silicones25.

That percentage of chemical ingredients can be much higher in products without the official logo.

Conclusion: While the USDA Organic logo does help minimize exposure to chemical pesticides, it does not guarantee the absence of ingredients that could pose health risks.

“Ocean-Safe” / “Reef-Friendly” / etc.

The labels “Ocean Safe” and “Reef Friendly” are commonly found on sunscreens to suggest that they do not contain ingredients harmful to marine ecosystems. However, there are no standards regulating the use of these labels in the United States. Typically, this simply means that the products do not contain oxybenzone or octinoxate, two ingredients banned in Hawaii26 and Key West27 due to their harmful effects on coral reefs28.

However, these products often contain other substances that are equally harmful to corals and aquatic life, such as octocrylene, homosalate, or butyloctyl salicylate.

Conclusion: Be cautious of these labels! They do not guarantee that the products are safe for aquatic life.

“Green” / “Eco-Friendly” / etc.

More and more brands are using terms like “green” or “eco-friendly” to give the impression that their products are sustainable. However, there is no official definition for these claims in the United States. Often, it is unclear which environmental criteria they refer to: carbon emissions, energy consumption, environmental pollution, water and resource use… all of this remains vague.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) even states that these claims are too broad and difficult to substantiate, to the point that they suggest not displaying them on packaging at all29.

Conclusion: Without precise and verifiable data from brands, these “eco-friendly” promises are of little value.

“Fair Trade Certified” / “Fair Trade Life” / “Fair Trade International”

Certifications like Fair Trade Certified30, Fair for Life31, and Fair Trade International32 aren’t just pretty logos—they’re trusted seals that guarantee more ethical, transparent, and sustainable trade practices. These three labels, for example, require production methods that avoid deforestation and minimize impact on waterways.

When these logos are on products, it means independent organizations have carried out inspections to ensure compliance with a strict set of criteria. However, while these standards cover ethical and environmental aspects, they don’t guarantee that the product is free from toxic ingredients.

Additionally, when products only display the mention of “fair trade,” it means no independent body was involved in verifying those claims. Without official certification, it’s hard to know if responsible practices were actually followed.

Conclusion: Only recognized certifications offer real assurances about ethical and environmental practices. However, they don’t guarantee the absence of health-harming ingredients.


  • ¹ C&en Global Enterprise (2016). Making cosmetic claims - How scientists and the tools they wield can distinguish compelling, justifiable cosmetic claims from empty promises. Available online :
  • ² BenchmarkinCompany (2024). Claims confusion - The call for truth and transparency. Available online :
  • ³ Google (2024). CEOs are Ready to Fund a Sustainable Transformation. Available online :
  • ⁴ Garlantézec R, Warembourg C, Monfort C, Labat L, Pulkkinen J, Bonvallot N, Multigner L, Chevrier C, Cordier S (2013). Urinary glycol ether metabolites in women and time to pregnancy: the PELAGIE cohort. Environ Health Perspect 121:1167–1173. Available online :
  • ⁵ Cosmetic Ingredient Review (2019). Amended Safety Assessment of Salicylic Acid and Salicylates as Used in Cosmetics. Available online :
  • ⁶ U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2022). "Cruelty Free"/"Not Tested on Animals". Available online :
  • ⁷ BAMBII (2024). 78% of Top 50 Beauty Brands Tested on Animals in 2024. Available online :
  • ⁸ PETA. PETA’s ‘Global Beauty Without Bunnies’ Program. Available online :
  • ⁹ Leaping Bunny Program. The Corporate Standard of Compassion For Animals ("The Standard"). Available online :
  • ¹⁰ dos Santos, R.C., de Brito Silva, M.J., da Costa, M. et al (2023). Go vegan! digital influence and social media use in the purchase intention of vegan products in the cosmetics industry. Soc. Netw. Anal. Min. 13, 49 (2023). Available online :
  • ¹¹ Alani JI, Davis MD, Yiannias JA. Allergy to cosmetics: a literature review. Dermatitis. 2013 Nov-Dec;24(6):283-90. doi: 10.1097/DER.0b013e3182a5d8bc. PMID: 24201464.
  • ¹² European Chemical Agency (2024). 2-phenoxyethanol. Available online :
  • ¹³ Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (2012). Opinion on fragrance allergens in cosmetic products. SCCS/1459/11.
  • ¹⁴ Tupker, R.A., Willis, C., Berardksca, E., Lee, C.H., Fartasch, M., Atinrat, T. and Serup, J. (1997), Guidelines on sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) exposure tests. Contact Dermatitis, 37: 53-69.
  • ¹⁵ Peyneau M, de Chaisemartin L, Gigant N, Chollet-Martin S and Kerdine-Römer S (2022) Quaternary ammonium compounds in hypersensitivity reactions. Front. Toxicol. 4:973680. doi: 10.3389/ftox.2022.973680
  • ¹⁶ J. McFadden, P. Puangpet, K. Pongpairoj, S. Thaiwat and L.S. Xian (2020). Methylchloroisothiazolinone/Methylisothiazolinone. In Common Contact Allergens.
  • ¹⁷ Chandon, Louise (2020). Do Claims about the Naturalness and Dose of Cosmetics Ingredients Affect the Public’s Perception of Their Safety?. J 3, no. 3: 299-312.
  • ¹⁸ Bill Track (2020). Natural Cosmetic Act. Available online :
  • ¹⁹ (2024). Clean + Planet Aware at Sephora. Available online :
  • ²⁰ International Agency for Research on Cancer (2010). Carbon Black, Titanium Dioxide, and Talc - IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans Volume 93. Available online :
  • ²¹ Ray PC, Yu H, Fu PP (2009). Toxicity and environmental risks of nanomaterials: challenges and future needs. J Environ Sci Health C Environ Carcinog Ecotoxicol Rev. 2009 Jan;27(1):1-35. doi: 10.1080/10590500802708267. PMID: 19204862; PMCID: PMC2844666.
  • ²² GHS Classification Result (2008). GHS Classification Result - 2-phenoxyethanol. Available online :
  • ²³ U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2022). “Organic” Cosmectics. Available online :
  • ²⁴ Nowak K, Ratajczak-Wrona W, Górska M, Jabłońska E. Parabens and their effects on the endocrine system. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2018 Oct 15;474:238-251. doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2018.03.014. Epub 2018 Mar 27. PMID: 29596967.
  • ²⁵ McKim JM Jr, Wilga PC, Breslin WJ, Plotzke KP, Gallavan RH, Meeks RG (2001). Potential estrogenic and antiestrogenic activity of the cyclic siloxane octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) and the linear siloxane hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDS) in immature rats using the uterotrophic assay. Toxicol Sci. 2001 Sep;63(1):37-46. doi: 10.1093/toxsci/63.1.37. PMID: 11509742.
  • ²⁶ The Hill (2018). Hawaii lawmakers approve ban on sunscreens with chemicals harmful to coral reefs. Available online :
  • ²⁷ The Washington Post (2019). ‘We have one reef’: Key West bans popular sunscreens to help keep coral alive. Available online :
  • ²⁸ Djordje Vuckovic et al. (2022). Conversion of oxybenzone sunscreen to phototoxic glucoside conjugates by sea anemones and corals. Science 376, 644-648. DOI:10.1126/science.abn2600
  • ²⁹ Federal Trade Commission (2012). Environmental Claims: Summary of the Green Guides. Available online :
  • ³⁰ Fair Trade Certified. Homepage - available online :
  • ³¹ Fair For Life. Homepage - available online :
  • ³² Fair Trade International. Homepage - available online -


Amy Ziff

Amy Ziff is the Founder of, a nonprofit that certifies products are free from harmful chemicals. They have improved thousands of products using the Ecosystem Approach.

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  1. Pauline

    I have a subscription with you and I got a new phone and I am having trouble with my password. I tried to reset it is not working. Hopefully you can help me.
    Thanking you in advance,
    Pauline Bosco

  2. Elaine

    Love this app!!!
    Never shop without using it!

  3. Carmen Seda

    my Yuka

  4. Carmen Seda

    I love mu Yuka, I am learning to eat better, also now am checking everything I buy for my hair, makeup, you are the best. Thank you for helping me.

  5. Rosalinda

    Love your expertise ! I recommend all my family and friends this app . Is there a clean makeup line you would recommend? Thank you

  6. Patricia

    Thank you. This article was very informative.

  7. Vallie

    Is there any brand that is *generally* trustworthy? What do you use?

  8. Maria Jose Jordan

    I love this app, Thank you so much!!

  9. Denise

    I love this app. Thank you for your hard work!!

  10. Debi

    Thank you for this information. The US is so deceitful in just about everything. We love that you expose the truth about what consumers are paying for.

  11. Lyn

    Wow! Thank you for this information. Very informative!

  12. Janice

    This information was very informative. I was not aware that certain products need to have logos which guarantees that the product is Organic, Vegan, Not tested on animals etc.

  13. Marta

    Can you recommend a clean line of makeup?

  14. Susan

    Your app changed so many of my purchasing habits, and I recommend it ALL the time! Love the articles too…please keep them coming!!

  15. Jeff c manning

    Are the product you have rated good and excellent on cosmetics at Sephora trusted

  16. Elaine

    Always great info! Thank you! Love the app!

  17. Janice

    I absolutely LOVE the YUKA app. I tell everyone about it!! I know I use the app several times a week for cosmetic & food products. I’m so thankful for all your hard work & good information. I’m actually 82 years young & have tried to take good care of my skin. I’ve known for several years that one CANNOT trust the American advertisement, especially when it comes to food & cosmetic products. I’ve used Mad Hippie, Healthy Renew by Cetaphil, Andalou, Charlotte Tilbury Radiant Concealer, Good Molecules products, 365 Whole Foods Toothpaste, Lumineux Bright Pen, Yuzu + Plum Oil by Brioge. What I really want to know is the BEST cosmetic products for a mature woman (82) like myself. I’m past the anti-aging stage & need to know how to take care of my more mature (old) skin. What should I look for on your app? Thank You 🥰

  18. Charisse

    Are there any cosmetic lines or sunscreen lines that are safe in general? Especially for children. Sunscreen, shampoo and conditioner; body wash?

  19. Pam

    I wish you would help me decide on laundry soaps and fabric softeners.

  20. Ronald

    Very worthwhile information !!!

  21. Nancy

    Wich cosmetics, aren’t animal cruelty????

  22. Joni travis

    Why are companies allowed to blatantly lie about these products. All about money and we either don’t check out stuff or we don’t care

  23. Virginia

    I love your app and use it every time I visit a grocery store. While doing so, I have told many others about you app. Thank you!

  24. Linda

    Thanks for all your articles. I also loved your YouTube video. So informative. Keep the information coming.

  25. Corey

    I use “crueltyfreekitty” along with “yuka” for most of my buying decisions. I don’t want to use products tested on animals or that have bad ingredients.

  26. sandra

    Thank you once again for the most important information. I LOVE YUKA!!!!!!!!

  27. Maureen

    My daughter in law turned me on to your app. Things I thought were good.. are not and you helped me see this. Thank You

    1. Liz

      Wow! Great info! Thanks! Just curious if you heard/investigated/know anything about Beauty Counter skin care and cosmetics?

  28. Deanna

    love,love, love this app Thank you LOVE YOUR ARTICLES

  29. Patricia

    Thank you! Very informative! I love this app!

  30. Maria del Pilar

    Thank you very much for sharing this information. Very interesting Information and helpful me a lot.,

  31. maria consuelo

    thank you so much for sharing this information with us.

  32. Kim

    Love love love my Yuka app! Thank you!

  33. Stephanie

    Thank you for sharing your study and information that can help us in becoming wiser consumer’s. 💗 Believing for a healthier country. 🇺🇲

  34. Cengiz

    Thank you, but just give me a brand name to choose. When I was in grand canyon event, I used red dust from rocks for protection. If you can’t recommend names, I will continue to cover up more

    1. Ingrida

      Do your own homework. Somebody wrote an article to let us know the truth not to throw products at you. It’s like you just want to say I’m not going to pay attention anyway. Don’t even bother, then.

    2. JoAnn

      On your Yuka app go to the bottom of the screen and look for “Top”. Click on that and go to beauty, then go to sunscreens, and it will show you by highest rating to lowest. It’s a great feature the app has. But you may have to recommend the app by forwarded to a friend for that to be activated.

    3. Margaret

      Yuka gives recommendations for alternative products on the app. Why don’t you use it?

  35. Bonne

    Excellent article 👏

  36. Carolyn

    Great post and very informative. We always try to buy whole clean or organic, even knowing that some of it is may not be “what they claim”. So sad that the regulations and certifications etc are not more enforced. Our society is sick because of our food and its just scary. Thanks again for continuing to bring awareness to all of us.

  37. D

    Wow.. I knew that food standards in the US is disaster, but haven’t so much useful info at one place. Thank you!

  38. Carolyn

    Is there any particular foundation you would recommend that has the least amount of chemicals on it? I did a heavy metal test and it said that I had an excess amount of bismuth and tellerium

    1. Alexa

      I think Ilia is clean. I switched to that in June from 20 yrs of Bobbi Brown. Everything I scanned on the Yuka app scored higher than 90. None of Ilia products have bothered me at all!!!

      It’s tricky trying to only use/eat products that are 60 & above. My goal is 75 and up.

      Good Luck!!!!

  39. Mike

    Thank you, You have change are eating and now cosmetic products we purchase. This a game changer ! We tell everyone we can to start using Yuka Keep up the great work. Stay small and free. I have worked with the younger generation in social services and they believe the high rate of “autism” is tied to the chemicals put in our food

  40. Michelle

    This is good info. I utilize your app often. However, a few times the same item has been listed and it’s shows good and then next to it, shows poor. It’s very contradictory.

    1. Kristie

      I have found this as well. I compared Aldi and Great Value Almond milk…..their ingredients on the package were exactly the same, yet Yuka scored them differently. I still love the app tho.

  41. Lee

    Hi Julie, thank you so much about crazy information . What wrong you people who are putting cheap chemical to consumers? ITS GREEDY and making more profit. Vote Trump so that I hope he select Robert F. Kennedy Jr for FDA. He is very health concerning person. More truthful on foods, cosm, etc.

  42. Joanne

    I have been very pleased with the ap and now use it frequently when buying skin care products and food items. I’ve had one issue, the toothpaste my endodontist recommended is on the ” bad” list. And the one I stopped using at her recommendation is on the “excellent” list. Also, I have found that doctors advise using petroleum jelly for certain conditions due to it’s ability to occlude moisture. What’s a safer alternative ?

  43. Geanette

    Thank you, thank you, thank you
    For your research and information! I am sharing your research and knowledge with my 7th grade students. I hope it makes a difference.

  44. Tinuola

    Thank you for taking out time to put all these together.
    It’s a shame that the US system seems to want to reduce humanity at all cost. This and more is the reason I love the UK and European system. They are way better in this regard.
    Thanks for the eye opening article. Will definitely share as I also tell any and everyone about the app.

  45. Dale

    This was great information. I am surprised to read that there are so many deceptions going on. I appreciate your diligence in helping consumers make good and healthy choices.

  46. Claire

    This is a great article! Often you see fear-mongering repeated as “sources” – but this is a well informed article! As someone in the cosmetic industry, I greatly appreciated the informative and truthful article. Great work!

  47. Jody

    This was a wonderful, eye-opening article. I’ve seen so many of this fantastic claims made by manufacturers. This solidifies that many claims are bogus or false with little actual facts or certifications to back up the claims. I will share this with friends on social. Thank you!

  48. Claudia

    Thank you so much for this article! I recommend Yuka to everyone I know and use it so much. Hope one day you guys will cover Brasil too🙏🏼💚🙇🏻‍♀️. I’ll save this page for future reference.

  49. Marianne

    Thank you- this was quite an eye-opener in previous “TRUST” of our labels. I appreciate the education in words used on packaging. How can some companies sleep at night knowing their products are harmful to humanity….. especially the ones that could harm a fetus??.

  50. Melodye

    Shame labeling in the US ain’t what it’s cracked up to be. The UK and Europe are far stricter.

  51. Angeline

    I am very grateful a friend told me about your app. I am replacing all my makeup, skincare and cleaning products and it really is helping with food choices for my family. Your app really takes the hard work out of finding good healthy products. Thank you.

  52. Terri

    Do you have a list of “CLEAN” (toxic free, cancer-causing free) skin products you recommend? Both for cleansing, moisturizing and make up? THANK YOU.
    I was using a brand called “Beauty Counter” but they stopped selling temporarily.

  53. Mary

    Thank you so much. I love your app. I have already replaced many facial and skin products I have been using, unaware of the chemicals . So appreciative of your work and your product.

    Mary from WA

    1. Cheri

      Thank you
      What are u using on your face? And body

  54. Caroline

    I’m searching for a lip liner
    I have scanned so many brands it’s crazy

  55. Gretchen

    Thank you so much Yuka. You are so appreciated and helpful! I am so glad to be a member!

  56. Fery

    Thank you for all the information, I am a member and advocate your app to all my family members and friends.
    I don’t hand time to investigate which product Is good or bad, YUKA Has made it easy for me. Thank you.

  57. Lucie

    How can we check the Mary Kay products? They have no bar code.

    1. Margaret

      You can do a search on the Yuka app for Mary Kay products. Most of them are listed.

  58. Johanna

    Excellent information! I constantly recommend the Yuka app to friends, family and even other shoppers as I am seen using it while scanning various products while shopping.

  59. Stephanie

    Love this!! Just wish I would have discovered it a long time ago.

  60. Barbara H

    I have long since realized I cannot trust anything I read on package labels, be it food, drugs, cosmetics, etc. You really have to be a steadfast label reader and look at everything. With foods, I already know much of the ingredients are junk chemicals used in the manufacturing of said packaged food. With cosmetics, I have also taken a stance with regards to what I will either put on my skin or ingest. Buyer beware because sadly the majority of the time you are not actually choosing a safe & healthy product.

  61. Linda

    I have shared the app several times in stores when I see people reading ingredient lists and looking confused. I spend more time shopping now but totally worth it! Thanks so much!

  62. Beth

    So glad we found Yuka. Love to scan items and put them back on the shelf !!

  63. Linda

    Thought Sour dough breads were the best Only three ingredients.
    And for cholesterol Go check out 1 The cholesterol Myth
    2 The Cholesterol Con
    3 The cholesterol lie
    4 The cholesterol deception
    5 A statin free life
    And the list goes on.
    Just an fyi.
    Knowledge is power.
    Did you know every cell in your body needs cholesterol which the brain uses 70%.
    Wonder why Alzheimer’s is so prevalent humm.

  64. Felicia

    Good article. I recently contacted Neutrogenia re: sunscreen that I have used for several years. After scanning the product with your app I discovered really harmful substances . I wrote to the company; spoke to them ; answered many questions and then was sent refund. I just received another lengthy questionnaire asking me to give my dermatologist’s name and why I was treated. I did not fill out the questionnaire as I felt it not applicable. I did have some treatment for pre-cancerous skin on my nose. I did not feel that they were from the 70 SPF sunscreen and told them the reason I was contacting them was so that they were fully aware of the harmful products and to fix the problem!!!!

  65. Mark G.

    Thank you for the in formation.

  66. joann

    Thank you for the informative information. Learned something new. It’s ashamed on how companies try to trick you into believing their products are safe and healthy for you. Just uploaded the PETA site to see which items are truly not tested on innocent animals.

    Your app is a Godsend!

  67. Colleen

    Thank you for this article…very helpful to have when trying to navigate “just what does this label really mean?”

  68. Jill

    Thank you for knowing if good or bad. It is worth for me thanks again

  69. Linda

    Thank you for all you do! I don’t by products that haven’t been Yuka approved!

  70. Diana

    Love your articles. Thank you

  71. Bet

    Thank you, great information

  72. Sara

    Thank you for the article Y love 💗 you and keep me informed 🌞

  73. Lenora

    Thank you

  74. Judith

    Companies that I previously consumed and used products from now know why I am discontinuing using/consuming their products. They’re always begging me for feedback and I give them feedback thanks to your app. I never knew what some of these ingredients meant until I got my Yuka app. Thank you for that. Not only that, I have shared this app with everyone who will listen to me. I recently visited my sister who lives in California. I’m in Kentucky. We went shopping and she was so cute walking around checking everything and she said Nope, I can’t have this. Yuka says no.🥰 Thanks again. You give us a voice.

  75. Nancy

    Thank you! I’m using and recommending this app constantly!

  76. Susanne

    Great article, it confirms all my suspicions about trusting labels.
    I support Yuka and will not buy cosmetic and other products without checking them on my Yuka app.

  77. Jean

    Thank you for that article. I appreciate it.

  78. Sonia

    Put medicines and all the products that exist in the apps. I hate when I scanned certain products it is not registered in the app to tell me its ingredients and medicine too. Ah, and supplements, too. I paid for my membership with your app.

  79. Linda

    Love to Yuka! Thank you for being out there for us all.

  80. Karla,

    Thank you for opening our eyes about the food we eat and the products we consume. I have been telling people about Yuka. Since, I strongly believe that we all should KNOW about the risks we take everyday just by eating and consuming products. Is not fair, we should have the right to know, so we can make better decisions. Thank you again for caring.

  81. Jeannette

    Thank you so much for publishing this list! Valuable information and explanation. I am so glad I found out about your company.

  82. Piroska

    I love the Yuka app and use it religiously. It is very convenient and easy to follow. I work in a grocery store so it has assisted me many times with new products that come in. I have passed this app on to many friends, thank you!!

  83. Jocelyn

    Thank you Yuka for opening our eyes! I am now more careful about what i buy for my family! Alot of these chemicals should be banned!

  84. Alejandro Ramirez

    Thank you for send me this information

  85. Shubha

    I love what y’all do. Thank you for fact checking and sharing this information. It is absurd that businesses can provide false advertising and get away with it due to semantics. Please keep doing what you do! I have been trying to spread the word on my end too.

  86. Anne

    I appreciate these emails!
    Thank you for your due diligence ❤️

  87. Pat

    Very helpful. Thank you. 🙏

  88. Julie

    Thank you YUKA for what you are doing and standing up for. I greatly appreciate what you are doing. I have been telling everyone who will listen , to use YUKA!

  89. Madhava R.

    Great reporting.

  90. Raelyn

    Thank you for putting this information out for all, it’s so deceiving by the label alone. It’s so important to our health and environment to know this information and know what products have good ingredients. I use my Yuka app every time I shop and I have to say most products the doctors recommend have harmful ingredients in them. Its is a trust worthy app and shows what each harmful ingredient and what it harms. Very detailed and much appreciated! My go to is my Yuka app. Thank you.

  91. Sheryl

    I love being able to look up some things we eat and this article is very helpful regarding other things. I have had skin cancer many times in my life and have to use a good sunscreen. I asked my dermatologist which one he uses (I figure that’s got to be a good one) and he told me he used Banana Boat for Kids. Can you tell me anything about this product? I sure can’t afford to not be careful.

    1. Margaret

      Why don’t you look it up on the Yuka app? All the Banana Boatbproducts are listed there.

  92. Deborah

    Thank you for another great informative article. I just wish more people were aware of YUKA!

  93. Sue

    Great article. Thank you.

  94. Nance

    Very interesting reading and to know the truth. Thank you

  95. Nancy

    I’m having hard time finding good sunscreen for oily skin. I tried good molecules and it was thick and greesey. Can you recommend one for me?

  96. David’s

    We are being tricked and bamboozled everyday my so many people and companies we put our trust in, it’s awful. Thanks for putting in the work and studies to get us this very informative information. Thank You!

  97. Jessy

    Thank you for all this vital information, yes you’re are correct im one that does not trust much of anything anymore and I have very sensitive skin. I use the Yuka application not only for food but also for make up and laundry detergents. Thank you for all the help and support.

  98. Renee

    Very very informative. I found out things I did not know.

  99. Norma

    Thank you for all your useful information. I trust you and use your app all the time I shop for food.

  100. Beth Avery

    Love the articles and Yuka! I use it every time I go shopping!
    I’d like to sign up for a year’s membership but am unable to negotiate the process. It say to sign in first but I get stuck there.
    Keep up the great work…. You made a difference in my life!

  101. Donna Sue

    Thank you for the info but you didn’t say which makeup we should buy or look for on the label?
    What about PUR or Bareminerals?

    1. Patricia

      I stopped using BareMinerals about 2 yrs,ago when i read that they contain the fore ever chemical PFAS. At the time, there was a class action lawsuit against that company. Beware, many other cosmetic companies also have PFAS in their products. Google wat exactly PFAS is. Scary!

    2. Margaret

      Both PUR and BareMinerals are listed in the Yuka app. Why don’t you use it?

  102. Chris

    Fortunately, I am not concerned about these types of issues. I want products to be effective and safe, and most of them are just that, whether organic or not. I do pay a little more for paraben and sulfate free shampoos, simply because my wife and I have found them to be more effective.

  103. Joseph Bayanfar

    The beauty related industry is a Billion dollars industry. It would have been much nicer to name some popular brands more Indepth which one of them is good and which one is not.

  104. Donna

    thank you love you more

    1. Susan

      Z. fbbi7 I 724-882-9302 t t

  105. Cristinee

    Thank you for the article, thank you for the app is been helpful.

  106. Lori

    While your efforts at educating and informing the public are appreciated and helpful, it’s hard not to be discouraged. It seems most products are not good for us for one reason or another. In this day and age, how does one not become completely paranoid ….? And don’t even get me started on the ingredients in the foods we eat…😩

  107. Janice

    Under the sunscreens, you mentioned mineral sunscreens containing zinc oxide, and titanium dioxide. Which gives me the impression that this is a good sunscreen. But under the clean at Sephora, you mentioned titanium dioxide is being possible carcinogenic. So why would it be OK in sunscreen but not make up?

    1. Laurie

      I also noticed that and would love to know the answer to your question.

      1. E

        Yes , my question too. First thing i thot of when getting to Sephora. Please clarify.

    2. Margaret

      Me too.

  108. William liss

    Good informative

  109. Jerilyn

    Thank you. When I go to the pharmacy for product I use the app. Sometimes I leave without buying anything.

    1. Donna Sue


  110. Australia

    Thanks for the article help to the people are good

  111. Jim

    Thank you

  112. Tina

    Thank you. Please address PFAs in everything

  113. Elizabeth

    Thank you!

    One day people will take seriously the teaching ” what you plant, you harvest. “

  114. Suzette

    I love using Yuka app although I’m not member yet but it really really help me make choices in food and hair products and also skin products thanks so so much 👍👏

  115. Renee

    Best app ever!

  116. Michelle

    In your conclusion under mineral based you state, “ Even with this label, the product may still contain chemical substances.”
    A mineral is also a chemical! Water is a chemical. Statements made to vilify chemicals are dangerous and will eventually these scare tactics will push brands to create ineffective products and dangerous with short shelf lives. It is tough to be a consumer with all this noise!

    1. Michele

      I agree! All these leave us with nothing safe to choose. Thank God I’m older and won’t have to navigate this for too much longer, but I worry about my kids and their kids. It’s all so very confusing and overwhelming. IMHO

      1. Margaret

        I disagree. Yuka gives alternative, safe recommendations for most products if you would bother to scroll down.

  117. Terri

    I love this app and tell my friends to use the app and listen to it!!! Eat REAL food!!!

  118. Mary

    I am finding it very hard to use in a grocery store (the app) The store states it’s their internet. Do other people find it hard to use in stores?

    1. Deb

      Yes I have had trouble in certain areas or stores.

    2. Yolanda

      Your phone has it’s own internet. This should not be a problem. Make sure your phone is not on the wifi setting when you are out of the house. I hope this helps

  119. La

    Love you all
    so much
    helpful important and data

  120. Angela

    Outstanding information as usual but where can I find the footnote information? Maybe as the company grows, information like in this article can be put on the app. I’d love to have a “cheat sheet” with the organic, animal tested, etc., symbols handy on the app.

    Best app ever. This has been a life-changer for me.

    1. Margaret

      The footnote information is there. Click on the ingredient and then scroll down to Details. The footnotes are at the bottom.

  121. Gord

    the best information company ever. simple, easy to follow

    1. Nette

      I really enjoy and benefit from using your app with the research Yuka does.
      Your “conclusion” on whether a product labeled vegan can also be assumed to be free from “animal cruelty” seems to be the opposite of what you said in the first paragraph. Did you possibly mistype?
      Thank you


  122. Lottie

    The best app out! The articles are always so informative and very good reads. Always worth my time. Many thanks to the Yuka team!

  123. Joretta

    Very informative

  124. Pascale Poma

    Thank you for this article and for the app that has changed my life for the better .
    I dropped a few products and food that was all supposed to be organic … Jesus , how so naïve I was ! I changed a lot of my beauty products as well . I make sure to tell everybody about this all . Life changer , for sure !

  125. Sandy

    I love YUKA! I use it daily while shopping for food as well as cosmetics, lotions, etc. It has made me aware of what I don’t want to eat and use for my body. I will continue to support Yuka financially as well as sharing it with others. Thank you for all your research!!

  126. Andrew Nguyen

    This app is such a blessing for the educated and uneducated, for the wise and unwise, and for all ages. Thank you x1billion for producing and upkeeping an app that seeks to combat misinformation and provide evidence-based and researched products that are useful even if it’s the small or simple things. Simple UI/UX and great philanthropy I’d gladly support and stand by! Actually making the world a better place in ways that matter.

  127. Sandy

    I love your Yuka app. I use it daily while shopping for food and/or other products. I share my findings with friends and relatives. Thank you for all your research!!

  128. Elizabeth García

    I am really satisfied with this upp

  129. Mistie

    Thank you so much for sending this to me. I absolutely love your app and I absolutely love your article. The USA is the worst when it comes to deadly chemicals in absolutely everything.

  130. Danna

    Your app has been a lot of fun.
    It actually has saved me a lot of money and I’m learning about some great products. All my professional shampoos & conditioners I thought were better are horrible. My hair is healthy & thicker now, with better choices. Thx

    1. Charlotte

      What are you using?

  131. Marguerite

    I recently saw an ad for OLAVITA BOTOX LIQUID SERUM that was being sold at Costco. Costco usually has excellent quality. I checked your app, but you have no information on this product. Can you check the ingredient list and tell me what you think?

    1. Just your friendly neighborhood Yuka User

      Would be best to send support or feedback directly in the app or on the dedicated contact from Yuka team!

  132. Tracy

    I really enjoy this app

  133. Linda

    I’m okay with Yuka, but replacement products that you suggest are hard to find, or some do not work. Take for instance the deodorants that you suggest are better. They do not work and most of the products you suggest as replacements, people cannot find. Not meaning to be negative, but I don’t have much time to look for the products you suggest and they are not there!

  134. M. Johnson

    Thank you for this. The clean label at Sephora means nothing in my opinion. Several brands and many products have the label but scan poor or bad with the Yuka app. We need better regulation in the US.

  135. mary Helen

    I use your app daily and pass on to friends. you do amazing work and I think products are changing their ingredients because of you..I donated to you so I can search products on your app..You are worth every penny and so glad to have your information when I shop

  136. Mildred

    Thank you very much for the information and the explanation of each concept. This tool has helped me to be able to buy confident that I am acquiring products that are as minimally invasive as possible for my health in general.

  137. Mary

    Amazing article! So much to learn and know. It is very sad that the USA doesn’t protect the consumer. Why do we even have the FDA. just another bureaucracy. Can I share this article to Facebook?

  138. Brandi

    Thank you for all your research, and for sharing it with the world. This app has helped so much. I love telling people about it.💖 Yuka is definitely a blessing🙏

  139. Messi

    Thank you for what you are doing!!!! I hope to see people start to wake up from the numbness one-day!

  140. Diana

    Thank you!!!

  141. Dylan

    What about Certified B Corp?

  142. Diana

    In other words, you can’t trust any of them. So sad they put such bad ingredients in our prodcuts. So sad.

  143. Becky

    Thank you ! Really appreciate your input

  144. Ralph

    Thank you Julie for a wonderful product.

  145. June

    Many thanks for the information!

  146. D

    Thank you💕

  147. Sharon

    read the labels, but don’t believe them…i wonder why they bother!
    by the way, RE the sunscreens: I used to slather the stuff on because I always burned. Then I did 2 things: started drinking green tea and got 50% less burnt. later I reduced linoleic acids (seed oils, like corn oil, sunflower, safflower, flax, soybean…) from my diet. now I don’t burn unless I am literally in the sun the entire day, and then it is just barely pink for a day or two. Dr Mercola has a very informative newsletter on the linoleic acid, I highly recommend reading it, because eliminating that one item can help so many other health issues get resolved.

  148. Kat

    Thank you for this fantastic information.
    You are the best m

  149. Cheryl

    Thank you for this article!! It was extremely helpful!

  150. Mary

    Thank you for all of this information! I love Yuka and use it every time I shop. Cosmetics, hair and personal care, food, etc. I love when you give alternate choices for similar products.

  151. ANNE

    Yuka is a winner thank you again for the great information really apreciate it !

  152. Luca


  153. Maria

    Thank you so much for this informative article.

  154. Heather

    I get acitinic keratosis on my face. I see a dermatologist yearly. After switching facial products using Yuka, I have not had to have any areas frozen off my face.

  155. Deborah

    Can’t live without Yuca, thank you thank you so much ♥️ Best app ever🫶🏻

  156. Nancy

    Thank you very much for this educational email!

  157. Rebecca

    Great information! Thank you ❤️ I use Yuka before I buy anything! My best app!

  158. Sondra

    This is way TMI !!!!
    I think I’ll just rely on your ratings when I scan a product- I’m not a scientist!

  159. Gail

    Julie do you do dog food ratings

  160. Anna

    Thank you for schooling us on the ingredients . I have been trying to use as many clean products as I can find. Your App definitely helps me make better choices.

  161. Adwoa

    Thank you for sharing your valuable insights! This app is a game-changer in the way we shop! 🛒🛍️

  162. Nora

    O love Yuca is really helpful

  163. Susan

    I love Yuka! It’s so rare to see a company that cares about the wellbeing of consumers. I have been a hairstylist for over 15 years and it’s disgusting how difficult it is to find haircare and cosmetics in the U.S. that are free of harmful chemicals. I’ve been telling my clients for years that there is no regulation in our country and they really have to do their research, don’t believe the claims on the front of the pretty bottle. But now I tell them to download Yuka!

  164. monica

    Love Yuca. i use it every time i go shopping

  165. Kellie

    Thank you so much for informing us all to a better way of purchasing our products & keeping us safe!!

  166. D. Knight

    Thank you for all of this information that many of us are truly unaware.

  167. Kathy

    Thank you for enlightening me
    for now and my future choices!

  168. Lynn

    I trust Yuka AP’s rating system and try to buy only those that rate high when they are available at an affordable rate.

  169. Ana

    Thanks so much for this valuable information..Loving Yuka every day more..🙌🏽

  170. Ilham

    Thank you for enlightening us. I can’t imagine my life without Yuka, I Yuk the heck of everything:)

  171. Monica

    I have to open the Yuka app before I buy anything now.

  172. Michael

    Julie is awesome! Yuka has changed my eating style 180 degrees Thx to Yuka I no longer poison myself

  173. Charlotte

    I have referred so many people to your app I don’t believe I should have to pay for it.

  174. Michele

    Yuka has changed my way of shopping. I love your info please don’t ever stop!

  175. Jennifer

    Thanks for clarity.

  176. Katya

    Great information!!! Thank you for guidance on what to look for better products!!

  177. KASH

    JULIE is my hero.. well..heroine.

  178. Kathi

    Wow !!! Thankful for this information.

  179. David R.

    Sad but true big corporations and the US government have an agenda and it’s not always inline with what is best for we the people.

  180. Janice

    Thank yoh so much Julie and team, this clears a lot of things up. We love your app and your informative emails!

  181. Heide

    Thank you for the information it was super helpful! I love your app and I do pay for the premium! I’m a nurse esthetician and find the information you provide extremely helpful to both my personal and professional life! Thank you!

  182. Denise

    Is Ogee Makeup really good and clean makeup?

    1. Margaret

      Why don’t you look it up on the Yuka app?

  183. Tamberlyn

    Hello I have mold poisoning and I use your app for everything. I’ve been eating chocolate that your app says is good. My question is do you test for molds? Cause my doctor said chocolate beans can have mold in the USA
    Thanks for everything you do!!

  184. Sandie Savage

    Can you tell me what the price for a subscription is in US dollars? I don’t know what 15C means.

    1. G

      There is a $10, $15, and $20 option if I recall correctly.

  185. Stacey

    What an eye opening article! Thank you for putting this information out in a simple,quick to read article! I found this very helpful.

  186. Betty

    We are so very grateful for YUKA. We have told so many friends and even strangers at the grocery stores about YUKA. I believe people are finally waking up about what they are putting in their bodies. Thanks again♥️

  187. Zebib

    Thank you so much for information I check all things that look good

  188. Kathleen

    I absolutely appreciate Yuka. I would love to suggest Yuka look at Norwex skin care and cleaning products. Norwex has an extensive “No-No” list, banning 2700 individual chemicals from its products. They do 360 testing. Of the entire line, there are maybe 4 products containing animal products of any kind. There is no animal testing. Reach out to Amy Cadora, Norwex’s Chief Brand and Mission Officer. Customer Support 866-450-7499 or PRESS INQUIRIES Thank you for all that your do.

  189. Arlene A

    Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and educating us on various products. I love your app!!! And have recommended it to many family and friends.

  190. Ann

    Basically you can’t trust the Government or FDA!!
    Very sad that such toxic ingredients are in everything we eat, drink and put on our bodies.
    Every time I go into the grocery store and scan products with Yuka app!!
    I get So Angry because almost everything I scan is So Bad!! 🥲

  191. Jennifer R

    Wow. This has been super helpful. As I weed my way through our toxically enhanced and deceptively labeled foods and other items, I recognize the need to get back to building that green house. I honor those groups (i.e. fair trade ) and organizations that demand adherence to standards of excellence. That has to be a hell of a task.

  192. Sandi

    I Absolutely Love what Your Company is Doing & have shared your App with Many Friends & Family! I Hope Your Company Forces other companies to ” Clean Up Their Products” I Hope U have a Blessed Day!

  193. Rose

    Luv the article!!

  194. Catherine

    Thank you so much for your information. I always check all things that look good ,but find out it’s bad. This help me choose wisely as I have Chrones Disease.,and have to be extremely careful vof preservatives. You are a Blessing.

  195. Sue

    This article was MOST enlightening. Sad, but very informative. Seems like everyone we trust our bodies to wants to be deceiving us just to get our $$.

  196. Linda

    Very interesting. I didn’t realize what is going on. Thank you!

  197. Michele

    I am for ever grateful for all that you and your team are doing at yuka. I have been using the yuka app for two years now and I can’t imagine my life without it.
